7.10.1 Contractor Entry
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This section is used to enter Contractor information. Contractor information is used to create a Voucher. Each Contractor Entry has two pages.

The Contractor Entry and “Employee Entry” in PAYROLL (9.3.1) are identical. Since a Contractor is a non-employee, not all fields are mandatory and may be left blank. Only those fields listed below are mandatory for a Contractor and creating a Voucher.

Please refer to “Employee Entry” in PAYROLL (9.3.1) for additional information on non-mandatory entries. You may also create a Contractor in “Employee Entry”.

The Name is the Contractor's first and last name.

Type in the address of the Contractor.  There are two lines available. Although this field is not mandatory, it is very useful.

You do not need to add the dashes <-> to the Social Security Number, the system will do this automatically after you <ENTER>.


The Contractors Location is used to automatically update the correct General Ledger expense account.

The Employee Types for a Contractor is “C” and is automatically entered.

Valid Marital Statuses are:  M = Married, S = Single.

Valid Payroll Frequencies are: 

D = Daily, W = Weekly, B = Biweekly, S = Semi-Monthly, M = Monthly.

This field is used in conjunction with creating a Voucher. Please refer to “Payroll Setup” in PAYROLL (9.4.2) for days/dates that correspond to the Payroll Frequency.

Contractor Entry Page 2

The Contractor number and name will automatically be brought over from the previous page.

The Salary is the amount the Contractor gets paid for their Payroll Frequency. (Example: If the Contractors Payroll Frequency is Weekly then the salary is how much they are paid each week.)  Although the Contractor is not an Employee, some are paid a specific amount each cycle.

The salary must be greater than or equal to zero. If a Salary is entered, the system will automatically calculate the Hourly Rate.

The Hourly Rate is a mandatory entry, even if the Contractor is salaried. If the Hourly Rate is entered, the system will automatically calculate the Salary.

The Voucher amount is calculated based on the number of hours worked, not on the Salary amount entered. The number of hours worked is based on the hours clocked in at “TimeCard Entry” in POINT OF SALE (1.11).

An Earning Code is used to post to the correct General Ledger expense account at the time of Voucher entry. An Earning Code must first be set up in "Contractor Earning Codes". You may also add an Earning Codes at the "Contractor TimeCard Maintenance" (7.10.3)


Minimum job hours are required to make Job Cost Id field mandatory in "TimeCard Entry" in POINT OF SALE (1.11).

If you want to require a Contractor to enter a Job Cost Id, but don't want to have minimum job hours, enter .01 hours. As soon as the Contractor works one minute, they will be required to enter the Job Cost Id.

The Contractor may also be assigned to a Vendor Code.

Is this a Direct Deposit Employee?  If so, enter a <Y>es. You will then be given the option to print a payroll check stub only for this employee. Setup a separate Deposit Bank number in “Payroll Setup” in PAYROLL (9.4.2 field 18) if using this option.

A free form Contractor Comment may be added to each Contractor's file. Type CO at the “Enter Selection” prompt and press <ENTER>. Type in the comment. To exit the comment, <ENTER> on a blank line or enter a <\> and press <ENTER>.

You may print your Contractor Comment. This will print on your assigned System printer.  Type PC at the “Enter Selection” prompt and press <ENTER>. The comment will now print on the assigned System Printer.

You must Save the Contractor Entry to save the comment.