Unitech Scanner Setup with Accuterm
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Overview: This setup will allow a Unitech Scanner to be connected to a COM port on a PC workstation and then download to Perfection Management (PM) through another AccuTerm session that is connected to PM. This procedure assumes you have already done some scanning and there is data that is ready to download.

  1. Put the AccuTerm script Scanner.scr in the AccuTerm program directory (Ex. C:\Program Files\Atwin) on the PC workstations. Find the script in \\PERFNT\FILES\TECH\AccuSoft (or where ever it is stored locally) and move it over to the PC workstation.

  1. Create an AccuTerm session to the COM port and save the session calling it “Scanner”.

  1. In the Scanner session, Click on Tools -> Settings -> Screen and in the Session Title enter “Scanner”. This Title is case sensitive. Please use upper and lower case as shown. This will allow the program to find the session when downloading.

  1. Make sure the Connection settings are correct. They should be 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, parity none, handshake xon/xoff.

  1. Please be sure to save your changes. Click on File -> Save.

  1. Hook the Scanner to the COM port using a null modem cable.

  1. You can test the connection simply by turning on the scanner, leaving it at the prompt then pressing enter in the Scanner AccuTerm session. You should see the display on the scanner move up.

  1. Create an AccuTerm session to Perfection Management if you have not already done so. At this point you should have an AccuTerm session to PM and an AccuTerm session to the Scanner.

  1. Run the program in Perfection Software - Download Scanned Quantities - Unitech Scanner (

  1. Enter the Servicing Location like normal.

  1. At the port number prompt enter <A> for AccuTerm COM port download.

  1. Enter <C> to Continue.

  1. Once “Item Count” is displayed go ahead and do the download from the scanner.  Hit 3 to send and <YES> to begin the download.

  1. You will not see anything on the PC screen until the download is complete. This is different from the regular port download but it has to be this way because of AccuTerm.

  1. Make sure you do not touch the keyboard during the download since that will make the download fail.