Setup Sync on Perfection
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  1. Download the sync file from the website:
  2. Go to WWW.PERFECTIONSOFTWARE.COM and click Perfection Support
  3. Scroll down to PS FTP Site and double click on SysInternals folder
  4. Download the SYNC.EXE program to C: drive or the Tech Folder

Or check the Perfection CD, in Tech\SysInternals\Sync.exe

  1. Go to TCL in PM and type U MD SYNC <enter>

01 N

02 ! C:\SYNC


* Line #2 and #3 depends on the location of the sync.exe program

  1. Check and see if they have the FLUSH.SYNC.SLEEP by going to TCL and doing a CT UTIL.PGM FLUSH.SYNC.SLEEP. If they do not then you will need to FTPICK it over and compile it.

  1. To test it type in SYNC at TCL and you should see the program execute. Also check the USER-COLDSTART and see if FLUSH.SYNC.SLEEP is in there as well.

*The above causes the system to unload the cache memory to hard drive, so that if the system loses power or goes down unexpectedly the data that was just entered would be

on the hard drive instead of cache and would not be lost.