SQL Troubleshooting
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Sometimes it difficult to see that problem in TCL because you are not able to que up the data the way the customer does outside of PM. We have a new tool that will help called WinSql.

  1. Copy the program to your desktop from Files\Tech\WINSQL

  1. Then you will need to connect to the customer network through a VPN or other type of connection. You need to go local to the server.

  1. Next, create a new ODBC driver in Administrator Tools\DataSources (ODBC). Once open, click on System DSN, ADD, select D3 ODBC Driver then Finish. Fill in the Configuration Parameters:

Data Source Name Account Name (PM)

Host IP Address of Server

Virtual Machine IP Address of Server


User Password usually “blank”

D3Account Account Name (PM)

*When done click OK.

  1. A new item will appears in the list, hit Ok to complete

  1. Once complete, you can open Winsql.exe

  1. Choose the Data Source, click Ok and it should open into a Query window
  2. In Query screen, type command to pull data out ODBC:

  1. To test, type SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER, click the green arrow and the results page will appear listing data.

  1. Type the same thing but put the file name of customer having a problem and Result window should have their error in it.

*At this point, you might have Attributes in this file to test them one by one