Sample Cover Letter
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From: XXXXXXXX at Perfection Software, Inc.


July 20, 2000


I am looking forward to meeting you and your staff!! 

I would like to mention a few points which may be of help to you in planning the week: 

If we concentrate on the tentative schedule I have faxed along with this cover letter, I cannot foresee any problems learning the basics of the Perfection Software package.

The only late nights that I can foresee, may be Monday (for Point of Sale Training) and Wednesday (as we enter in aging balances into the system.  Sometimes checking and rechecking work is mandatory to get the balances in correctly.  Its a bit tedious, but very important for your company to have correct balances on the day you go live on the system.)  Please inform your employees who deal with these two areas that they may need to stay past their normal working hours to accommodate the training for each day.

Those who will be training on Point of Sale Monday night will most likely be working overtime, though, I should have all your employees out at a reasonable time.  2 hours should be ample time (including questions) to go over the basics of Point of Sale and do some invoicing for practice.  They will also have an opportunity to practice on the system until Wednesday when we go live.  This allows them to be as familiar as they can for their first day on the system.

Also, if there are certain people who only do data entry for certain tasks, please let me know what data they enter and I will adjust the tentative schedule for them.  If there are special hours that someone needs to utilize for training, please let me know that as well.  I will accommodate them as best I can.

Getting a head start early is always beneficial to make sure things run as smoothly as they can.  I hope you do not mind this lengthy fax.  I will be calling you on XXXXXXXXXXX as I prepare things and get them ready for your install date.  

                                       Best Wishes,



                                       July 13, 2000