The Tender Types need to set up for the exclusive use of the Expense Reports. These are not the same Tender Types used in "Point of Sale Order Entry” in POINT OF SALE (1.1). A Tender Type is how the expense was paid for (example: VISA, Honor, and AMEX). You do not need to set up a CASH Tender Type.
The Description may be up to 30 characters long. (Example: AMEX description is American Express).
The Vendor Code is whom the Voucher will be made out to. (For example: Cash will be vouchered to the Payee, VISA will be Vouchered to your VISA Vendor.) When you "Post Expenses to Vouchers" (7.9.3), the Voucher will be created according to this Vendor Code. If a Tender Type does not have a Vendor Code listed, it will be vouchered to the Payee. This will be vouchered to the Payee.