The Job Cost Report will give you a list of the Job Cost Id's selected. You may view a Summary or print a Detail report.
The report may be for jobs that are complete, not completed or for all jobs.
If a Minimum Gross Profit is entered, the report will show all jobs that are below that level. You do not need to enter a percent sign.
You may specify a download path when using AccuTerm© The download path will be the MS Windows© path for downloading files. The purpose for downloading is for integration with MS Word©, Excel©, or other programs you want to use the data in. If field is blank, the default is C:\TEMP.
Enter an <F> in the appropriate selection to capture the file - DISP.RPT.RAW. The ID will be the program concatenated to the port (example ORDER.RPT10, where 10 is the port number). Once the file is displayed on the screen, enter <D> to download. When downloading the file, the path defaults to C:\TEMP but will use the setup in “Port Entry” (1.10 field 16) for the download path. This directory must exist on the PC executing the download. The Windows© file name will be the report name concatenated to the port number, then .TXT. For example: ORDER.RPT10.TXT, where 10 is the port number or ORDER.RPT10TAB.TXT for the TAB Delimited file name.
When downloading to a file, the following will be captured: Summary by Salesperson; by Part Number; by Unit of Measure; and by Customer Totaling Quantity Shipped, Price and Cost.