How To Setup Exclusions on Commissions
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  1. Go to and setup the Salesman with a personal code.

  1. Enter the description as their name.

  1. In field #2 you have a choice to either figure commission by line item or by the whole order.  Figuring commission with excluded parts is only accomplished by the <L> option.  You must figure their commission by line item.

  1. In field #3, enter the percentage of gross profit on the line item which you desire, and then enter the commission amount as zero. 


     Salesperson Code: 1108

1.  Name            : Brandy Dreith

2.  <O>rder / <L>ine: L

3.  Profit Break %  Commission %

20.0        0.00

  1. By entering the above information, the commissionable amount on the report for Salesperson commission in 2.1.15 will include the total sales, but the commissionable amount will reflect what they should receive for other parts over 20% GP.  They will not receive any commission on anything under 20%GP.

  1. By hitting your down arrow you can also set the mfr lines and part numbers which need to be listed in order for him to receive a commission on them.


     Salesperson Code :1108             Brandy Dreith

4. Mfr   Name  Grp Code  Desc.   Unit    Price Code   G/P % Com %

     3m    3M                                           5  Refinisher        2.00

5.  Part Number   Unit   Description         G/P %    Commission %

   3m.6334           EACH  3/4 Masking tape                3.00

  1. In the above example, the salesman receives a 2% commission on the entire line of 3m (which excludes anything under 20% GP because of what the first screen was set to) and a 3% commission on 3m.6334.  Be sure to save your changes.

Note: the changes made to the salesperson record are not retroactive and will affect posted sales from the change onward.