Go to and hit ENTER to reach the Special Pricing for Customer’s Screen.
Enter the customer number you wish to make some special pricing for and hit ENTER. Note: If you have a series of customers which will have the SAME pricing, you can create a MODEL for that special pricing scheme by typing in MODEL1 or some other identifier after the word MODEL. (Example: MODEL10 would be a good identifier for a model scheme of 10% off a product line).
After entering the name or the model it will then place the cursor on line 1 which is the Manufacturer (MFR). You may enter the MFR name (Example: 3m or DUP). And then you can define the criteria by adding a “Grp Code” (Group code) and “Unit” (Unit of measure) so that only certain types of parts within a line are tagged with the special pricing. You can then enter the “% Discount”, such as 10%. Finally you can tell the special pricing to take that percentage off of a particular Price Code. You could use their default price code, or specify another.
You may also desire to make certain part numbers with a special price for the customer. Here, enter the part number and a unit of measure if you desire. But you have the choice of making a fixed price for the customer or create a discount percentage as you did above for the MFR. If you enter a fixed price, the Price code prompt is no longer valid for the part; it’s going to have a fixed price no matter what price code you use.
You can save the scheme and move onto the next customer.
If you have created a MODEL, you can now go into 6.1.1 from the main menu and enter the MODEL name (Example: MODEL10) into field 39 for those customers you would like to have that special pricing scheme.