How To Receive Something Manually
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The following document will lead you step by step in receiving a part number, or multiple part numbers, on a receiving which is manually created. 

Creating a Manual Receiving:

  1. From the Main Menu go to 4.1.1, Receiving Entry

  1. Type a period (.) and hit Enter.

  1. Enter the Vendor Code in field #1.  If you do not know the Vendor code, then use a “?” for the lookup and choose them from the list.

  1. Enter the Vendor’s invoice number on line #2 and hit ENTER.

  1. Enter the location to receive the merchandise on and hit ENTER.

  1. Enter the receiving date on line #4.  This is the date you are receiving the merchandise in on.

  1. Enter your salesperson on line #5.  If there is no salesperson, then just hit ENTER to go by this.

  1. Enter the Receiving Clerk on line #6.  This may be the same as Salesperson if you are manually creating a Receiving.

  1. Enter the date ordered and hit ENTER.

  1. Enter the Due date of the merchandise and hit ENTER

  1. If you need to, enter the way it was shipped in the Ship Via on line #9.

  1. On line #10, you are now able to input all of the items.  You will enter the quantity to receive, the part number itself (use the lookup by hitting “?” if you need to), enter the unit cost (this is the cost on the vendor’s invoice), and then when you have input all parts to receive, ENTER down until you reach ENTER SELECTION at the bottom of the screen.

You now have some options.  If you are unable to finish the receiving right now but want to come back to it later, hit “S” to save and then ENTER.  If you are finished and would like a report of the items to proof before posting, hit “PR” and ENTER. 

  1. When you hit “S” or “PR” it will clear the screen or send you back one screen.  In either case, you need to get back into Receiving Entry to finish the posting when you are ready.  Receiving is the only screen which allows to make something, proof it, and post it all on one screen.

  1. When you have proofed your work, come back into the Receiving Screen and hit “P” to post to inventory.   *The Receiving will not affect inventory until you post it.

  1. When you are posting, there will be a series of toggles to apply if needed before it finally posts.

  1. First it asks you about backorders.  If you have lowered the QTR lower than an original PO, it may ask you if you need to backorder these items.,  If you want a backorder, leave the toggle to “Y” for YES.  If you do not want a backorder, hit an “N” for NO.

  1. The normal operation of inventory would need you to answer “Y” to the next question – updating vendor costs.  Leave the “Y there.

  1. If there is a discount you receive then enter it on this next toggle.

  1. If you have the default setup for creating Vouchers in AP from this module, leave the next toggle “Y” for YES.

  1. There are a series of GL account numbers to fill in only if you need to do something special to this part with freight or the like. 

  1. The toggle for “factor freight into warehouse cost” is usually left to “N”.  Customers usually do not want to factor the freight into the cost of the part, but you can change this toggle to meet your specific needs.

  1. Other toggles can appear if they are activated in Receiving Setup. Usually these options are not on unless customer requests to use them. See PS manual for more details.

  1. Lastly, when you have answered all the questions, or you just left all the toggles alone and hit ENTER all the way through, the final question appears: “Zero Quantity Received items will be Ignored. Enter <Y> to Post”.  Leave the “Y” there and hit Enter.  You have now completed a receiving.