How To Do a Retrun to Vendor
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  1. From the Main Menu go to 4.2.1, Return Merchandise to Vendor Entry.

  1. Hit a period (.) and then ENTER for a new Return number.

  1. Enter the Vendor code, if you know it, or, use the “?” to lookup a vendor.

  1. Enter the location and hit ENTER.

  1. Enter in your Salesperson code and hit ENTER.

  1. Enter Special Instructions that you want to appear on return and hit ENTER.

  1. Once at field 5, you can enter quantities and part numbers one by one.  Enter the part number (or use a “?” to lookup a part if you are unsure) and then hit ENTER.

  1. When you are finished entering parts, hit ENTER at a blank line.   This will bring you to the bottom of the screen.

  1. You can now choose from the options listed just above your cursor for your next step.

  1. You may hit an “S” to save the return to edit later. 

  1. You may hit an “D” to delete the entry

  1. You may enter “PR” to save and print the return.

  1. If you would like to put a comment on the Rerun you can hit “CO” for a “Return Comment”.

  1. If you know you are finished with the Return, then you can hit “P” to “Post and Downcount Inventory”.  Question will appear to “Y” to down count or “N” to passby this function. If you enter a “Y” you then get a question to do <Q> to Down count regular Qty On Hand or <D> to Down count Defective QOH (you will always do “Q” here unless you have some reason to record defective inventory). This will downcount inventory but will not effect the GL, until you receive your credit. The credit is usually entered into Accounts Payable and when the payable is posted it will decrease the Inventory account.