Going Live on an Installation
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Going Live on a New Installation

  1. Check Port Entry to make sure the correct invoice date is there for all ports.  Use the <C> option to change invoice date on all ports to be sure.  Also verify that all ports have proper printer assignments.  Test invoice printing on actual forms.

NOTE: INVENTORY.SALES file must be cleared manually if necessary. CLEAR-FILE INVENTORY.SALES


  1. Clear the training data:



8. Initialize System (Password = PM)

Run the following:        Accounts Payable

       General Ledger

                       GL Account


               POS and AR

                       PO, Receiving and Return

                       Sales History

                       Inventory Sales YES

April 15, 1999 SMD The initialize programs now give options to clear files and set starting invoice numbers, so the following may not be necessary.  If so, skip to the step on INVOICE.NO.FLAG.

  1. If customer desires, you can set the starting invoice number:


For a single location customer, enter the starting invoice number on line 1 of this item.

For Multiple locations, attribute 1 would have multiple values, so you should enter the starting numbers separated with CTRL-V (value marks) in the proper position.  CTRL-X  F

  1. For multiple location customers, be sure INVOICE.NO.FLAG is set.  This causes invoices numbers to have the location numbers appended to the front of the invoice number:


Put a 1 in attribute 1, then CTRL-X  F.

  1. UPDATE 10/19/1999 SMD If you leave the reference info blank and simply assign the correct accounting period to each open balance entry, you can run the program FIX.OPEN.BAL from TCL after entry.

Have customer run AR Aging report from old system or use statements from previous month to get opening balances.  Ask customer if they want to 'age' in the balances or just do a lump sum entry.  In either case, be sure to use the correct date created to age the opening balances properly on our system.  For example:

Aging report:

                               MTD        31-60        61-90        91-120

Jones Chevrolet                17.56        50.00          0.00        120.00

Customer prints statements at the end of the month and are going live on 8/7/97:

  1. Customer wants to age in the balances:

3 entries are required for this customer in Open Balance Entry, enter them from oldest to newest:

  1. Amount 120.00,  Reference MAY BAL, Date Created 5/31/97, Period 97/05
  2. Amount 50.00, Reference JULY BAL, Date Created 7/31/97, Period 97/07
  3. Amount 17.56, Reference AUG 1-6 BAL, Date Created 8/6/97, Period 97/08
  4. Customer wants to Lump Sum enter the previous balances.

2 Entries are required

  1. Amount 170.00, Reference JULY BAL, Date Created 7/31/97, Period 97/07
  2. Amount 17.57, Reference AUG 1-6 BAL, Date Created 8/6/97, Period 97/08

  1. Enter opening balances for Accounts Payable, if applicable.  They can do one lump voucher for each vendor balance or enter each outstanding invoice owed as a voucher.  It is recommended that the GL Account to debit be overridden to the Accounts Payable Account, since it is assumed that Payables from the old system are part of the old General Ledger.  Doing this will cause a 'wash' transaction in the GL.
  2. Enter Employee YTD figures in 9.3.4 Employee YTD Totals program in Payroll.  This will allow them to run W2s at the end of the year.  This is only necessary if they are going live immediately on Payroll.
  3. Zero out QOH for all inventory using the Inventory Utility program  This will clear any upcount/downcount done during training.
  4. Validate all System Setups, paying close attention to POS Defaults and Comments, and AR Setup. 
  5. Must fix LAST BUY DATE during  going live.