GL – Examples for CASH based setup.
Purchase Order Setup
Location: 1 LOC 1
1. Purchase Order Comments :
2. Transfer Vendor :
3. Suppress Cost Print on Tr :
4. Percent Standard Pack : 00
5. Auto Round During PO : N
6. Reset OL & SL if Sold=0 :
7. Round Value on Qty Avail : 0.50
8. Summarize Case-Lot : Y
9. Warehouse Location :
10. Suppress Cost Pr on Pick :
11. Ignore Case Lot on Tr. :
12. Ignore Standard Pack :
13. Use Curr Src on Transfers :
14. PO Print Program Name : PO.PRINT
Receiving Setup
1. Uninvoiced Receiving Account :
2. Hold Backordered Items : N
3. Update Vendor Costs : Y
4. Update General Ledger : N
5. Update Accounts Payable : N
6. Inventory Account :
7. Freight Account :
8. Other Charges 1 Account :
9. Other Charges 2 Account :
10. Edit voucher when posting : N
11. Factor Freight into Cost : Y
12. Prevent Update to WH Cost : N
13. Prevent Update to Sales Hist : N
14. Cost Variance Account :
15. Last Receiving Cost Price Cd :
Accounts Payable Setup
1. Current Period ................. : 00/08
Account Payable Accounts
2. Accounts Payable Account .... : Liability
3. Discount Account ............ : Revenue (Typically, but can be setup as a contra-expense)
4. AP Variance Acct ............ :
5. Multiple Acct Payable Accts .... : N
6. Create Detail from AP to GL..... : Y
7. Show Payroll Amounts in AP.....: N
AR Setup
Location: 1 LOC 1
1. Current Period : 00/08
2. Accounts Receivable : Asset
3. Cash : Asset
4. Payment Discount : Revenue (Typically, but can be setup as an expense)
5. Taxable Sales : Revenue
6. Non-Taxable Sales : Revenue
7. Cost of Goods : Asset
8. Inventory : Asset
9. Credit Returns Inventory : Asset
10. Warranty Returns Inv. : Asset
11. Sales Tax : Liability
12. Freight : Expense
13. Restocking Fee : Revenue
14. In Store Use : Expense
15. Service Charge : Revenue
16. Consignment Inventory :
17. Post Detail on Adjustments : Y
18. Print Cash Apply Report : Y
19. Post Last Buy Date Option : B
General Ledger Setup
1. Current Period ................... : 00/08
2. Fiscal Starting Month ............ : 1 Jan
Fiscal Starting Mo. Sales Anal.... : 1 Jan
Interlocation Accounts
3. Main Location ................. : 1 LOC 1
4. Account Prefix ................ : 23
Summary Accounts
5. Balance Sheet P&L Account...... : 399 Profit or <Loss>
6. Income Statement P&L Account... : 9999 Profit or <Loss>
7. Years ............................ : 00
8. Supress Auto Inter Loc Prompt..... : Y
Inventory Setup
These items are used in Inventory Maintenance and Indexing.
DO NOT CHANGE these setups unless absolutely sure of the effect.
1. Update All Locations : Y
2. Indexing Sort Sequence : AR
3. Salesperson Flag in Inv. : Y
4. Quantity on Hand Password :
5. Replacement Cost Flag :
6. Warehouse Cost Flag :
7. Update GL Inventory Entry : N
8. Inv. Entry Adjustment Acct :
9. Update GL Change QOH : N
10. Change QOH Adjustment Acct :
Vendor Entry
Vendor Code : 3M
1. Account # : 112555454
2. Sort Code : M
3. Name : 3M
4. Mail Address: 1024 3M DRIVE SUITE 3-M
5. Mail Zip Cd : 11009-
6. City : Hicksville State : NY
7. Ship Address:
8. Ship Zip Cd :
9. City : State :
10. Phone # Phone Description
(305) 845-9810 MAIN
(954) 845-9817 FAX
11. Contact: RALPH LAUREN
12. Account Description Pct.
EXPENSE 100 (Such as Cost of Goods Sold)
13. Normal Term : 4 2% DYS 10 DYS 30
14. Lead Time : 2
15. Safety Stock : 1
16. Order Frequency : 10
17. Fed ID#/Soc Sec# :
Chart of Accounts Format Listing
1 Assets Asset
10 Current Assets Asset
11 Checking/Savings Asset
100 Arizona Bank Checking Asset
101 Payroll Checking Asset
105 Petty Cash Asset
115 Accounts Receivable Asset
12 Other Current Assets Asset
120 Undeposited Funds* Asset
13 Inventory Asset
131 Booths - Inventory Asset
132 Inventory Paint Supply Asset
135 Other A/R Asset
14 Fixed Assets Asset
145 Accumulated Depreciation Asset
146 Fixed Assets Asset
15 Other Assets Asset
140 Undeposited Funds Asset
150 Customer Deposit Asset
160 Loans Asset
2 Liabilities & Equity Liability
20 Liabilities Liability
21 Current Liabilities Liability
200 Accounts Payable Liability
22 Other Current Liabilities Liability
205 Other Liabilities Liability
210 Payroll Liabilities Liability
215 Sales Tax Collected Liability
23 Long Term Liability Liability
225 Bank One Loan Liability
230 John Withhorne Liability
235 Line of Credit Liability
245 Truck Loans Liability
30 Equity Equity
31 Owner's Capital Equity
306 Capital Stock Equity
307 Contributed Capital Equity
308 Draws Equity
310 Opening Balance Equity Equity
315 Retained Earnings Equity
399 Profit or <Loss> Equity
4 Income Revenue
405 Sales Paint Supplies Revenue
5 Expense Expense
50 Cost of Goods Sold Expense
500 Cost of Goods Sold - Paint/Supp Expense
501 Occupancy Expense Expense
502 Building Repairs and Maintenance Expense
503 Rent Expense
504 Telephone Expense
505 Utilities Expense
51 Other Operating Expense Expense
516 Advertising & Sales Promotion Expense
517 All other Operating Expenses Expense
518 Depreciation Expense
519 Insurance Expense
520 Vehicle Expense Expense
525 Other Operating Expenses-Other Expense
53 Payroll Expense Expense
531 All other Employee Wages Expense
532 Benefit Plans Expense
533 Group Insurance Expense
534 Inside/Counter Sales Wages Expense
535 Outside Sales Salaries & Com. Expense
536 Owner/Officer Salaries & Bonus Expense
537 Payroll Taxes Expense
538 Warehouse/Delivery Wages Expense
55 Other Income Revenue
550 Other Income Revenue
56 Other Expense Expense
560 Interest Expense Expense
570 Other Non-Operating Expense Expense
580 Estimates Expense
590 Freight Expense
600 Miscellaneous Expense
9999 Profit or <Loss> Expense