Pick Ticket
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<PI> = Pick Ticket: A Pick Ticket is used to pull items off the shelves. Once the Pick Ticket is printed the Order is automatically put on HOLD.

All Invoice Print Programs print “PICK TICKET” and follow the Pick Ticket rules (like suppressing prices on PIs) only a DI will print PICK TICKET in the heading. If you use the <PI> option on any transaction type other than a DI (like CIs and WIs), then the Order will print as un-finalized (like a Pick Ticket) but it will not print PICK TICKET in the heading.

To immediately print an Invoice for the Pick Ticket, at “Order Number” type a <-> and press <ENTER>. This will bring up the last order created on that port. Follow the directions on Print and Finalize an Order.

Pick Tickets may be set to show prices or suppress prices. This must be set up in “POS Defaults & Comments” in SYSTEM  MANAGEMENT ( field 19 page 2). You may also set this feature for a specific Customer in "Customer Entry” in ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (6.1.1 field 44 page 3).

Pick Summary <PS>

This option, <PS> Pick Summary is available that will generate a display of all items on the order showing pertinent information such as Qty Picked, QOH, Quantity on Hold (QHD) and bin information.

A Point of Sale Password is also available (, field 40) if users want to secure the <PS> option.

You may have a separate printer assigned for your Pick Tickets. Many businesses have the Pick Ticket printer in the Warehouse and the Invoice printer on the counter. This is set up in “Port Entry” in POINT OF SALE (1.10 field 8).

You may have the Hazardous Material Class Shipping Information printed on all Pick Tickets. This must be set up for the individual Part Numbers in “Inventory Entry” in INVENTORY (5.1.1 fields 21, 24-26). You must turn on this feature in “POS Defaults & Comments” in SYSTEM MANAGEMENT ( fields 26 page 2 and 64 page 4). The information that will be printed is: Proper Shipping Name, Hazardous Class Number, United Nation ID, Packing Group, Number and Type of each Container, and your 24-hour Emergency Contact Name and Phone Number. Each item will be marked by an “X” if it is a Hazardous Material Part Number.

There is an option in “POS Defaults & Comments” in SYSTEM MANAGEMENT ( field 34 page 3) to Automatically Sort the Part Numbers by <P>art Number, <B>in Location or <E>ntry Sequence on Pick Tickets. The Part Numbers will automatically be Sorted when you Print your Pick Ticket. Leave blank to not Auto Sort the Ticket.

For more information on sorting, please refer to the "Sort" section under Enter Selection Prompt in.

You may have Superseded Part Numbers print on Pick Tickets and Invoices if enabled in “POS Defaults and Comments” in SYSTEM MANAGEMENT ( field 69 page 4). If the counterperson enters a part number that has been superseded, the old part will appear on the Pick Ticket and Invoice after the line item. This will provide some benefit to those filling the order, and for the customer, who will see the original part that they ordered printed on the Invoice.