The Payment Terms for a customer can be CSH (cash), COD, or CHG (charge). The system will enter the payment terms automatically, based on the customer's information setup in "Customer Entry" in ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (6.1.1 field 25 page 2).
If the term is COD, the cursor will stop at the prompt. You must re-enter the term. This feature makes sure the Counterperson realizes that this customer is COD. If the term is CSH or CHG, the cursor will by-pass this field.
NOTE: In a Finalized Order, the Customer Payment Term is displayed in the help section. The following is displayed: Customer Payment Term, Description, Discount Date, Due Date, and Customer Payment Term Discount
You have the option of having the system automatically update Order records with the current Shipto Payment Terms every time the Order is accessed. This will also have the effect of not allowing you to override the payment terms in "POS Order Entry" (1.1). This feature is setup in "POS Defaults & Comments" in SYSTEM MANAGEMENT ( field 54 page 3).
You may only change a Payment Term to a lower level. The order of levels is: CHG - COD - CSH. Example: You may change a Charge to COD or Cash only. You may not change a Cash customer. To change the Payment Term for this Order, at the <ENTER SELECTION> prompt type a 3 and press <ENTER>.
The Customer may have a Customer Pay Term setup in “Customer Entry” in ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (6.1.1 field 25 page 2).
Example of a Customer Pay Term: 21030 = 2% Net 10, 30.
You may change the Customer Pay Term for CHG orders. At the Payment Term field, enter a <C> and press <ENTER>. Enter the new Pay Term, and press <ENTER>.
The Customer Pay Term is displayed in the help section when at field #3 - Payment Terms. If changed, both the Customer Payment Term setup in “Customer Entry” in ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (6.1.1 field 25 page 2) and the new Customer Payment Term for this Order will be displayed.