7.2.2 Copy Recurring Voucher Entries to Voucher Entry
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The Recurring Voucher must be set up to be paid. This is done by running Copy Recurring Voucher Entries to Voucher Entry. The liability of the Recurring Voucher does not incur until it is copied to a Voucher. You may edit the Recurring Voucher once it is copied.

If the Batch Number has already been posted, you will need to create a new number.

The Accounting Period is listed as the last two digits of the year and the two-digit month. (Example:  9905 = May 1999)

You now need to Choose the Recurring Vouchers to be Copied. The Recurring Vouchers will be displayed with their Voucher Number, Description, Last Invoice Date and Last Paid Period. To select a Recurring Voucher to copy enter the asterisk <*> and press <ENTER>. Use the up and down arrow to go up and down a line. Use the <PAGE UP> and <PAGE DOWN> keys to move through the pages. After selecting all the Recurring Vouchers to copy, <ENTER> after the last Recurring Voucher or <\> <ENTER> to continue. To Unselect a Recurring Voucher, go to the asterisk <*> and press the <DELETE> key. This will remove the asterisk <*>.

If the Voucher has been copied in the current period you will see a warning message: "Voucher Entry Already Copied in this Period. Is this Correct (Y/N)?” To copy the Voucher, press <Y> and <ENTER>. To not copy again, enter an <N> and press <ENTER>. If you said "N" the Voucher will be un-selected.

You may Edit the Recurring Voucher once it has been copied. After selecting you may select another Recurring Voucher or un-select one. Enter an <E> at the “Enter Selection” prompt and press <ENTER>. You will now be back at the Recurring Voucher list to edit.

Once all the Recurring Vouchers have been selected, you are now ready to copy the Recurring Vouchers to the Voucher Entry. Once copied, you may go to "Voucher Entry" (7.1.1) and edit any of the information. The Voucher must be posted through "Post Vouchers to Payables" (7.1.3). Enter a <C> and press <ENTER> to Copy Recurring Voucher Entries to Voucher Entry. A message will be displayed showing the number of items copied to Voucher Entry.