The Load External Customer file program is used to load an external tab-delimited customer file.
The following are the selection criteria:
1. Customer File Path and File Name
2. Add Not on File Custs?
3. Overwrite Existing?
4. Multi-Valued Delimiter
5. Default Salesperson
6. Default Servicing Loc
7. Default Price Code
8. Default Tax Code
9. Default Payment Terms
10. Default Credit Limit
11. Default Billing Period
12. Default Cust Sort Code
Store Number, PO Format and PO Store Number Position you will see in the External Customer File Excel format.
Excel Column
CT = Store Number
CU = PO Format
CV = PO Store Number Position
The path can either be a network path, or an Accuterm path for importing data from a local PC. After entering the path and filename, you have the option of <V>alidating the data. Data must be validated before the Conversion will be allowed. There is also a <V>alidate Data option from the bottom of the entry program.
You can choose to add new customers and/or update existing customers. Care should be taken when overwriting existing customers, especially if running the conversion a second time after modifications have been made in Customer Entry. ALL fields will be overwritten with data from the Load File.
Certain fields within Customer Entry (Ex: Alternate Phone, Alternate Phone Description, Email Addresses) are multivalued by nature. You must indicate what character will be used to identify the delimiter between multivalued data. The default is a comma (,). This would mean, for instance, a list of Authorized Buyers would need to appear in the raw data as:
Fred, Bob, Mary
You can also indicate default values for several fields if desired. These defaults will only be used if the relative data field for the customer being imported is blank.
A report will be generated showing the results of the conversion, or any errors found during the validation.
A separate outlook Email will contain a file layout listing; attribute numbers, customer entry prompt numbers, Excel column head letters, and field names.