The Customer Sales Analysis by Part Number report allows you to examine all of your customers' buying trends in detail. It can be run for a particular customer or for all customers on one report. It may be limited to a specific accounting period or year. You will get a list of customers who have purchased specific part numbers or a group of part numbers. This report gives detailed information for the part numbers.
You may Sort by <C>ustomer, <P>art Number, <Z>ip Code, or <S>alesperson Code. If sorting by Part Number, this will give you a summarized report by part number, without regard to the customers who purchased them. This allows you to see what certain groups of customers are buying in total. If sorting by <S>alesperson Code, this will affect the sequence that customers are printed on the report.
If a particular Customer is chosen, the Customer Sort Code, Salesperson, Location, and Beginning and Ending Zip Code will be defaulted for that customer. If you choose to print ALL Customers you will have a choice to print each Customer on a separate page.
You may send the report to the <P>rinter, view on the <S>creen or <F>ax the report.
Note: The <F>ax option also includes Email capability. Emailing and Faxing require optional Software and additional Setups. Please contact Perfection Software Sales Department for more detailed information.
The following output options are available:
<S> for Summary Listing, <S2> for Summary comparison, <S3> for Summary by Customer with Current Price, <D> for Detail comparison or <D2> for 13 month Across Page Listing.
The <S3> option will allow you to Summarize by Customer, and show Current Price and Discount % Columns on the report. Total Sales represents the amount paid for all items, and Current Price represents the price of those items based only on the customer's Price Code. Any additional special pricing is not included in the calculation of the Current Price. Discount % represents the discount of Total Sales vs. Current Price. If the Discount % is calculated as less than zero, then it will be shown as zero. The report will print the Salesperson name if sorting by <S>alesperson, otherwise the Zip Code will print.