The Freight Charge Override Tracking Report is available to report incidents of Calculated Freight being overridden at "POS Order Entry" (1.1). The following are some of the selection criteria that are available: Order Location or Region, Customer Number, Salesperson of Record, Owner Name, Starting and Ending Invoice Date, Override Reason Code, Override Salesperson Code and Override Reason, Sort By Override
<S>lsp or <R>eason. For Owner Name and Override Reason, wildcard selection options are available. Override Reason is the free form Reason entered during the override.
The report can be sorted by the Override Salesperson, or the Reason Code. Whichever sort option is NOT selected will be used as the secondary sort in the output, complete with Subtotals.
The <D>etail version shows each individual order and all the specific override information, along with Shipto Customer information, Ship Via, three amount columns with the Total Order Amount, the Freight charged, and a Calculated Freight amount. Calculated Freight is the amount which would have been charged had the override not occurred.
Orders containing hazardous items that caused freight to be forced will have an <H> following the Qualified Products Amount. A note will print at the bottom explaining the Hazardous indicator.
Customer-specific settings found in the Ship Via Code Override screen “Customer Entry” in ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 6.1.1 option <SV> will be used in the calculations, if present.