1.6.10 Finalized Order Report
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The Finalized Order Report lists those Orders that have been finalized at "POS Order Entry" (1.1). This is a good report for showing Gross Profit on individual items of an Order.

You have a variety of options available for this report: Beginning and Ending Order Number, Servicing Location, Ship To Customer, Customer Sort Code, Beginning and Ending Ship Zip/Postal Codes, Beginning and Ending Salesperson, Beginning and Ending Counterperson, Manufacturer, Part Number, Current Group Code, Beginning and Ending Date, Ship Via, Purchase Order Number, Sort Criteria (Date, Location, Order Number, Salesperson), and Page Break on Sort Criteria.

At the Print Selection for the Finalized Order Report, you have five choices:


Sends the report to the printer.


Displays the report on the screen.

<TI>=Transfer Invoice

Creates an Internal Transfer Invoice at "POS Order Entry" (1.1).

<PO>=Purchase Order

Creates a Transfer Purchase Order at "Purchase Order Entry and Print" in PURCHASING (3.2.2)


Captures File for download.

When using the <PO> option to create a Transfer PO, you have the ability to prefix a Location and Hyphen to the PO Number. Example: 1-[PO#]. This feature is turned on in “Purchase Order Setup” in PURCHASING (3.5.2 field 24).

You have an additional option to print the Order Comments.

You may download the Finalized Order Report to a Windows® file. The purpose for downloading is for integration with MS Word®, Excel®, or other programs you want to use the data in.

When the <F>ile option is chosen, the program will include the Part Summary report in the TAB-delimited file, if requested. All versions of the Part Summary Report will now generate a flat and a TAB-delimited file, whether the report is run in addition to the regular report, or as a stand-alone report.

Enter an <F> in the appropriate selection to capture the file - DISP.RPT.RAW. The ID will be the program concatenated to the port (example: ORDER.RPT10, where 10 is the port number). Once the file is displayed on the screen, enter <D> to download. When downloading the file, the path defaults to C:\TEMP but will use the setup in “Port Entry” (1.10 field 16) for the download path. This directory must exist on the PC executing the download. The Windows© file name will be the report name concatenated to the port number, then .TXT. For example: ORDER.RPT10.TXT, where 10 is the port number or ORDER.RPT10TAB.TXT for the TAB Delimited file name.

When downloading to a file, the following will be captured: 

<S>ummary: includes Salesperson, Part Number, Unit of Measure, and Customer Totaling Quantity Shipped, Price and Cost.

<S2> Alternate Summary: includes Location, Location Name, ShipTo, Name, City, State, Zip/Postal Code, Total Sales and Total Cost.

<T>otal: captures subtotals for the sort criteria entered.

<D>etail: includes the entire order,

<D2> Alternate Detail: includes Date Entered, Order Amount, Billto, Billto Name, Sort Code, Counterperson Code and Name, Invoice Date, Quantity Ship, Part Number, Unit of Measure, Description, Price, Ext. Price, Cost and Extended Cost. The Cost and Extended Cost will only be displayed if “Show Cost and GP” is selected.

You may choose to only select Customer On-Line and PDA orders.

Tax Amount Column

A breakdown of taxable and non-taxable sales for debits and credits will appear on the Grand Total page on the Finalized Order Report. This will also include count(s) of the number of debits and credits along with totals. The Tax Amount is to the right of the Total column to prevent confusion if you attempt to add the columns together to reconcile to the Total column. The Total column in this breakdown does not include Tax, Freight, or Restocking Fees.






Tax Amount

Debits (DI)






Credits (CI,WI)












3 Order(s) printed:  CI (1), DI (2)