Customer Reports by Zip Code
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Customer Reports by Zip Code

The following are instructions to get a report of customer sales by shipping zip code.  These instructions will help set the customer sort code to group the customers, then customer reports can be run by sort code.  If you want the old sort codes back, you will have to manually edit the customer records and put the old sort codes back.  The first part of the instructions will give you a printout of all customers with their existing sort codes.  This list will be helpful to put the old sort codes back.

First, create the customer sort code(s) you are going to use in customer sort code entry.  From the main menu, type and press enter.

Now, to get the printout of existing sort codes:

  1. From the main menu type TCL and press enter.

  1. At the : type SHL DISP.TCL.CMD and press enter.

This will put the report on the screen, so you print it or download. Then X to exit back to TCL.

  1. Now print the list of existing codes.  At the Input TCL Command: type


Now, to set the sort codes by zip code.

  1. From the main menu type TCL and press enter.

  1. At the :  type SELECT CUSTOMER WITH SHIP.ZIP "XXXXX""YYYYY""ZZZZZ" and press enter.

  1. At the > type: SET-ATTRIBUTE

When prompted for name of file type: CUST.DETAILWhen prompted for attributes to change type: 15Hit enter at the value number prompt

Hit enter at the subvalue number prompt

When prompted for the value to put in the attribute type: XXX

After this you should get a message indicating how many customers have been flagged with this sort code.  Now, type M and press enter to get back to the main menu.

Now that your customers are set up, you can use the sales analysis reports to get the total dollar sales to customers with these zip codes.   DO NOT FORGET to put the old sort codes back in to the customer records if desired.