Customer Report by Tax Code
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The following are instructions to get a report of customers with a specific tax code (field 19 in Customer Entry (6.1.1)).

  1. Go to the Main Menu and type TCL and hit ENTER.

  1. At the : type SP-ASSIGN F# and hit ENTER.

(where the # = the printer number you want the report to print to.)

  1. Then type SELECT CUST WITH TAX.CODE = "X" and hit ENTER.

("X" is the tax code you would like to search on. For example, customers with no tax would be "NT", customers with tax code 6 which is a 7.75% sales tax, it would be "6".

  1. Then at the > (greater than sign).  Type:  LIST CUST WITH TAX.CODE = "X" (P and hit ENTER.

NOTE: the (P allows the report to go to printer. Without the (P the report will only print to the screen.