Battery Backup Test
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Battery Backup Test

  1. Make sure all users are off the system and not working.

  1. Go to the main CPU and use that station.  Type in DM and hit ENTER while at the Main Menu.

  1. Type in SHUTDOWN when at the colon.

  1. Answer YES when it asks you “if you want to continue.”

  1. When it is finished it will say, “Shutdown Complete.”

  1. Turn the system off by the power button.

  1. Unplug the system from the battery backup and plug the system directly into the wall to boot the computer back up.  (The main wire is plugged into the back of the battery backup in one of the outlets.)

  1. Turn on the CPU and boot the computer up and log back on.  Everyone else may log on as well.

  1. Leave the battery backup plugged in for 1 whole day (24 hours at least).

  1. After the battery is charged, plug in a lamp or some other electrical device (pencil sharpener, vacuum, etc) and then unplug the battery backup from the wall.  While the battery is freestanding it should “beep” letting you know the power is out (its out because you unplugged the backup). 

  1. Then try using the light, or whatever device you plugged in.  See how long the device stays on.  If it does not beep or the device does not work, the battery is dead.  If the battery stays on for a very short time, the battery is dead.  It should last 10 minutes or longer.

  1. Repeat steps 1-6 to plug the system back into the battery backup if it is working properly, or if you have bought a new one.

  1. If you have the battery backup plugged into the power strip, make sure the breaker didnt trip, after a power outage.  If it did, reset it.