9.4.6 Tax Table Entry
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The Tax Table Entry information is available in the IRS Payroll Bulletin.

Check these tables each year because the different Federal, State, and City governments will change the amounts.

You may create a table for the Federal, State, and City taxes. A separate table should be created for married and single for the federal taxes.

There are four types of tables:

     FED-S = Federal Withholding Single

     FED-M = Federal Withholding Married

STATE-(state code) = State Withholding  (Example: STATE-FL is the state table for Florida)

CITY-(city code) = City Withholding (Example:  CITY-MI is the city table for       Miami)

The tax table structure is similar to the Annual Tax Tables sent to you from the government. You will need to enter the tax amount, the percent of income and the minimum level to calculate tax on the amount over the tax amount.