8.4.2 Budgets Entry
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The Budget Entry is used to enter budget amounts and compare them with the actual amounts. The budget is entered on a monthly basis. The actual amounts may not be edited from this screen.

It is recommended that you enter a budget at the beginning of your fiscal year based on projected income and expenses. This Budget can be used to compare with Actual amounts on your "Chart of Accounts Reports" (8.4.4) and "Income and Expense Statement" (8.3.4).

The Account Number is the Chart of Account Number, a dash (-) and the Location Number, with no spaces between.

The Budget Year to Edit must be displayed on the screen. The cursor will be on the January column for the specified year.

After entering the budget amounts for the year, you may enter another year's budget or exit.

You may copy the amounts from a previous years actual into another years budget. Enter a C and press <ENTER>. Enter the year to copy the actual amounts from, and press <ENTER>. Next, enter the year to copy these actual amounts into the budget, and press <ENTER>.

You may copy the budget amounts from a previous year into another year.  Enter a CB and press <ENTER>. Enter the year to copy the budget amounts from, and press <ENTER>. Next, enter the year to copy these budget amounts into, and press <ENTER>.

The Year Amounts option allows you to enter an annual amount to be divided evenly across all months in the year.  Enter a Y and press <ENTER>. Enter the year to divide amount into the Budget and press <ENTER>. Enter the Amount to divide evenly across the year and press <ENTER>.