The Income and Expense Template Entry, is available to customize the "Income and Expense Statement" (8.3.4) using a specific list of account numbers:
Template ID: TEST
1. Description: Test Template 1
2. G/L Account # Description
4 Revenues
5 Cost of Sales
70 Operating Expenses
98000 Federal Tax Provision
98100 State Tax Provision
The Template ID may consist of any alphanumeric characters, which allows it to be somewhat
descriptive of the purpose of the template. The Description will be viewable in Lookups along with
the ID.
When entering account numbers, a few rules will apply. For simplicity and ease of maintenance,
both Header and Children accounts will be allowed. However, the program will not allow the entry
of a child account if the header is already present - and will not allow a header account if a child of
that header is already present. Location numbers are not to be specified in the account number (i.e. 4000 is OK, 4000-1 is Not OK). Obviously, only Revenue and Expense type accounts will be
Once the template is setup, you will be able to make use of the Income & Expense prompt in the "Income and Expense Statement" program (8.3.4). Your options will be to: Enter Income and Expense Template to use for the Report, Enter <?> for Income and Expense Template Lookup, or Leave Blank to Generate the Report without using a Template.
Please note that when a Template is used to generate the report, all Zero-balance accounts will be suppressed in the output, regardless of the setting in the "Financial Reports Setup" (8.3.7 field 7). The only exception to this will be Header Accounts that have a Total Balance of 0.