6.1.6 Customer Sort Codes
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Customer Sort Codes are used to group customers. This is very useful for reports, labels, and sending promotional flyers. There are 3 positions available for Customer Sort Codes. It is not necessary to use all three positions.

Example of setting up a Customer Sort Code:

Level 1 = Customer Type

Level 2 = Paint Line

Level 3 = Day of Sales Call

1 = Body Shop

D = DuPont

1 = Monday

2 = Fleet


2 = Tuesday

3 = Marina


The Sort Codes would then be:  1D1 (Body Shops, DuPont, Monday), 1D2, etc..., 2D1, 2D2, etc... until all combinations are created. You may then get reports by using a pattern match.

You can find a Sort Code through a Pattern Match using the <*>. Examples of pattern matches are:  12* = all codes starting with 12; *3* = all codes with 3 in the second position; **1 = all codes with 1 in the last position. If a blank is in any position, the system will search for a blank in that position, (ex: 3* = all group codes with 3 in the first position and nothing in the third position).