6.11.5 End of Period Accounts Receivable Roll
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The End of Period Accounts Receivable Roll program will roll the Current Period forward for Accounts Receivable and remove all applied items with a zero balance from the Customers Accounts. It will also age the Accounts Receivable according to the Aging Type in "Statement Terms and Comments" (6.11.6 field 6).

The Current Period will be displayed along with the Last Roll Date and Time.

Items that are Disputed or that have not yet been printed on a Statement will not Roll and will be printed on the Current Statement.

You may not roll if there are Payments or Adjustments that are Unposted and Applied. A message will be displayed that lists those items that need to be Posted in order to continue. If you do not want to Post these items, then you must Unapply them.

If the information is correct and you are ready to roll, type an <R>. You will see a prompt - "Press <ENTER> to Stop or <C> to continue."  To Roll the Accounts Receivable, enter a <C> and press <ENTER>. You will now see a list of customers rolling. After the roll, just press <ENTER> to continue. To not Roll the Accounts Receivable, just press <ENTER>.

Accounts Receivable cannot be rolled more often than within 20 days from the last roll date. This provides a protection against accidentally rolling more than once a month.

AR items must appear on a Weekly or a Monthly statement at least once before the item will be rolled off of the Customers Account.

It is important to press the <C> to roll the Accounts Receivable. Make sure the Customers are rolling before leaving the terminal. This will avoid the mistake of thinking that you rolled the month but really didn't.

The system will not allow you to Roll AR more than once a month. The system will give you a warning message that you had already rolled that month. Just press <ENTER> to go to the CUSTOMER BILLING menu.