6.10.13 A/R Hotlist Report
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The A/R Hotlist Report is designed to assist collections in identifying customers that need to be contacted for a variety of reasons.

Reason Codes is a selection criteria used for placing a customer on the report. They are listed in order of importance, so if a customer meets several of the reasons, only the most important will be listed in the output. Valid choices include:

<1> Customer has a Balance and is On Hold

<2> Customer is Exceeding their Allowed Days Past Due

<3> Customer is Over 60 Days Past Due

<4> Over 30 Days Past Due and last Payment received 45 or more Days ago

<5> Customer is Over their Credit Limit

Press <Enter> for ALL Reason Codes.

The output will include the Total Due for each customer, and a column titled "Hotlist Amount". The Hotlist Amount is calculated differently for each Reason Code. The report will have a note at the bottom that explains both the Reason Codes and the Hotlist Amount that corresponds to each Reason Code. Sorting the report is straightforward, with one exception: If Sorting by <R>eason Code, Customers will be listed in descending Hotlist Amount order for each Reason. The report will be most helpful when sorting by Reason Code, as it will place the most important groups of customers at the top of the list.

Collector Selection Criteria - Enter <L> will allow you to sort through Collector. Enter Collector Salesperson Code. Enter <?> for Collector Lookup. Use the following criteria to sort:

Enter <N> to Sort Report by Customer Name.

Enter <R> to Sort Report by Reason Code.

Enter <S> to Sort by Salesperson.

Enter <C> to Sort by Customer Sort Code

Enter <L> to Sort by Collector.

Note: If sorting by <R>eason Code, Customers will be listed in desceding Dollar Amount Order for each Reason.

You may <P>rint, view on the <S>creen, or <F>ax this report.

Note:  The <F>ax option also includes Email capability. Emailing and Faxing require optional Software and additional Setups. Please contact Perfection Software Sales Department for more detailed information.