The Salesperson Sales Analysis report enables you to examine an individual Salesperson's strengths and weaknesses in relation to each Customer and Manufacturer.
If a specific customer is chosen, the Customer Sort Code, Salesperson, Location, and Beginning and Ending Zip Code will be defaulted for that customer.
If you select ALL Salesperson Codes, you will have the choice to print each Salesperson on a separate page.
You may send the report to the <P>rinter, view on the <S>creen or <F>ax the report.
Note: The <F>ax option also includes Email capability. Emailing and Faxing require optional Software and additional Setups. Please contact Perfection Software Sales Department for more detailed information.
The following output options are available:
Enter <S> for Summary Listing, <S2> for Summary comparison, or <D> for Detail comparison.